
Top 10 use cases for the Sysdig Cloud-Native Visibility and Security Platform

Top 10 use cases for the Sysdig Cloud-Native Visibility + Security Platform

Enterprises are rapidly transforming through a fundamental shift from monolithic applications to highly distributed, cloud-native microservices. The key challenge presented by this shift is a loss of visibility needed to understand and solve issues in this new dynamic environment.

With Sysdig, the world’s largest enterprises manage the risk, health, and performance of their systems, applications and microservices within and across clouds to deliver:

  • 3x faster cloud-native transformation,
  • 67% increase in DevOps efficiency, and
  • 95% reduction in risk.

In this paper we highlight the top 10 essential use cases for the Sysdig Cloud-Native Visibility and Security Platform:

  1. Vulnerability management
  2. Kubernetes monitoring
  3. Audit and compliance
  4. And 7 more…

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