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Scan and secure container images in GitLab
GitLab CI/CD is an open source continuous integration and delivery server integrated with the GitLab software development and collaboration platform. Sysdig vulnerability management enables you to scan container images in your GitLab CI/CD pipelines to detect and block vulnerabilities before they reach production.

Using Sysdig Secure image scanning you can scan your container images within your GitLab CI/CD pipeline without sending them out of your infrastructure to a public or staging registry, validating configuration and preventing vulnerabilities from reaching your production environment.
Sysdig Secure for Scanning IaC with GitLab
Sysdig Secure supports Git integrations as part of its Infrastructure as Code (IaC) security feature. With these integrations, you can scan incoming Pull Requests (PRs) for security violations based on predefined policies. The results of the scanning evaluation are presented in the PR itself. If passed, the user can merge; if failed the user cannot merge. Information provided in the PR also targets the problem area to assist the user in remediation.
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