Monitoring AWS Fargate with Prometheus and Sysdig

By David de Torres Huerta - JUNE 9, 2020


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Fargate metrics are collected in CloudWatch and can be sent to Prometheus using an exporter

In this article, we will show how it’s easily possible to monitor AWS Fargate with Sysdig Monitor. By leveraging existing Prometheus ingestion in Sysdig, you will be able to monitor serverless services with a single-pane-of-glass approach, giving you confidence in running these services in production.

Fargate metrics are collected in CloudWatch and can be sent to Prometheus using an exporter

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The rise of serverless

Currently, we are witnessing the rise of serverless computing, such as AWS Fargate. This service alleviates the need for developers to manage container infrastructure by leaving it to the cloud provider. By leveraging AWS Fargate for automatic management of compute infrastructure, developers can increase the speed in which they develop and deploy code. Developers have been able to use AWS Fargate on ECS for a while, and recently, Fargate was also released for EKS. Support for a Kubernetes environment gives developers more options to deploy Fargate services, including a standardized Kubernetes API.

Once these services become part of the business, they need to be monitored the same as any other production workload to ensure their health and performance. But the pods deployed in Fargate have some limitations. One of them is that Fargate does not allow privileged pods. So, how can you monitor AWS Fargate and other serverless services if you can’t install the Sysdig agent on them? We’ll need to rely on an intermediary like AWS CloudWatch, the monitoring service of Amazon.

AWS Fargate and Prometheus

AWS Fargate is a serverless service that enables customers to run containers with computational capacity specified by the user. This way, they spend only the amount of resources that they need. CloudWatch is a tool that provides metrics to monitor Fargate and other AWS services. The AWS CloudWatch service can gather the metrics that Fargate containers generate under the namespace ECS/ContainerInsights, if it’s turned on for a particular cluster, by using Fargate.

Prometheus is a leading open source monitoring solution which provides means to easily create integrations by writing exporters. With Prometheus, you can gather metrics from your whole infrastructure which may be spread across multiple cloud providers, following a single-pane-of-glass approach.

Prometheus exporters gather metrics from services and publish them in a standardized format that both a Prometheus server and the Sysdig Agent can scrape natively. We will use one of these exporters, namely yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter, to get metrics from AWS CloudWatch. We contributed to this exporter to make it more efficient and reliable.

Sysdig collaborated with the YACE exporter to make it production ready. CloudWatch gathers metrics, that YACE reads and presents in a Prometheus compatible format.

In this use case, we will deploy the CloudWatch exporter in a Kubernetes cluster and configure it to gather metrics of Fargate clusters in AWS. This exporter will be conveniently annotated with Prometheus tags, so both a Prometheus server and the Sysdig agent can scrape it. In the figure below, we show an overall view of the system.

Fargate metrics are collected in CloudWatch. The exporter can filter them by namespace and convert them to Prometheus format. Those metrics can be sent to a Prometheus server or a Sysdig agent.
💡What are the key metrics to #monitor AWS Fargate? Learn that and how to export them to your #Prometheus server 🔥. Click to tweet

Installing and configuring Prometheus CloudWatch exporter

The exporter connects to the AWS CloudWatch API and asks for metrics, but to get the correct answer we need to configure some permissions. In this section, we will explain the steps to configure your AWS account with the permissions and credentials to make this connection possible.

Setting up permissions to access CloudWatch metrics

First, you will need to create an AWS IAM policy that contains the following permissions:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "CloudWatchExporterPolicy",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

configuration of the AWS IAM policy

You will also need to supply the credentials for an AWS IAM account to the CloudWatch exporter. This can be done in a standard manner, via $HOME/.aws/credentials file.

aws_region = us-east-1
aws_access_key_id = AKIAQ33BWUG3BLXXXXX

$HOME/.aws/credentials file.

You can either assign the IAM policy directly to the IAM account or to a role to grant the permissions to the exporter.

Finally, be sure to enable Container Insights in the cluster where you deploy the Fargate tasks that you want to monitor. You can check the documentation on how to set Container Insights either in AWS ECS or AWS EKS and Kubernetes.

Configuring the exporter

We opted for the yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter (YACE), which is written in Go and has images for its stable version ready to be deployed. We recently contributed to this exporter to make it more efficient and reliable.

This exporter will fetch metrics from AWS CloudWatch and expose them in the standard Prometheus metrics format. Then, they can be scraped by the prometheus ingest component of Sysdig agent or by a Prometheus server.

The YACE exporter can gather metrics from any CloudWatch namespace. So, to monitor AWS Fargate, you just need to define the correct namespace and metrics to select the Fargate metrics that you want to scrape.

In order to do so, you initially need to create a configuration file for the exporter. In this configuration, you will define which metrics the exporter will scrape, and from which region and what dimensions we’ll ask CloudWatch to make the aggregations with.

For example, in this case, we will use the region us-east-1 and we’ll ask CloudWatch to use the dimension ServiceName to aggregate the metrics.

Here’s an example config.yml configuration file:

  - regions:
    - us-east-1
    type: ecs-containerinsights
    enableMetricData: true
      - name: ContainerInstanceCount
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: ServiceCount
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
  - regions:
    - us-east-1
    type: ecs-containerinsights
    enableMetricData: true
      - ServiceName
      - name: CpuReserved
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: CpuUtilized
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: MemoryReserved
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: MemoryUtilized
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: StorageReadBytes
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: StorageWriteBytes
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: NetworkRxBytes
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: NetworkTxBytes
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: DesiredTaskCount
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: TaskCount
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: PendingTaskCount
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: RunningTaskCount
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: DeploymentCount
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600
      - name: TaskSetCount
        - Average
        period: 300
        length: 3600

Sample config.yml file of the CloudWatch exporter.

Note that in the configuration file, the parameter enableMetricData is set to true. This is used because this API function allows the exporter to scrape several metrics in a single call. This is important to prevent throttling scenarios to the CloudWatch API that can block the AWS API service.

Please be aware of the following caveats:

  1. If you wish to add an additional metric, be sure to read up on AWS ECS Insights Metrics to use the correct statistic.
  2. CloudWatch offers aggregations on different dimensions, so don’t forget to specify which ones you need and check they are supported in the AWS docs for Fargate. If you ask for incorrect dimensions, CloudWatch will return no data.
  3. Gathering CloudWatch metrics may incur a certain cost to the AWS bill. Take care to check the AWS Documentation on CloudWatch service Quota limits.

Once you have the IAM account credentials and the configuration file ready, you can create a Kubernetes file like the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: yace
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: yace-fargate
  namespace: yace    
      app: yace-fargate
  replicas: 1
        app: yace-fargate
      annotations: "true" "5000"
      - name: yace
        - containerPort: 5000
          - name: yace-fargate-config
            mountPath: /tmp/config.yml
            subPath: config.yml
          - name: yace-fargate-credentials
            mountPath: /exporter/.aws/credentials
            subPath: credentials
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "500m"
        - configMap:
            defaultMode: 420
            name: yace-fargate-config
          name: yace-fargate-config
        - secret:
            defaultMode: 420
            secretName: yace-fargate-credentials
          name: yace-fargate-credentials
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: yace-fargate-config
  namespace: yace
  config.yml: |
      - regions:
        - us-east-1
        type: ecs-containerinsights
        enableMetricData: true
          - name: ContainerInstanceCount
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: ServiceCount
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
      - regions:
        - us-east-1
        type: ecs-containerinsights
        enableMetricData: true
          - ServiceName
          - name: CpuReserved
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: CpuUtilized
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: MemoryReserved
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: MemoryUtilized
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: StorageReadBytes
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: StorageWriteBytes
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: NetworkRxBytes
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: NetworkTxBytes
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: DesiredTaskCount
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: TaskCount
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: PendingTaskCount
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: RunningTaskCount
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: DeploymentCount
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
          - name: TaskSetCount
            - Average
            period: 300
            length: 3600
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: yace-fargate-credentials
  namespace: yace
  # Add in credentials the result of: 
  # cat ~/.aws/credentials | base64
  credentials: |

In this file, we can find:

  • Namespace ‘yace’
  • Deployment with the exporter. This deployment has two volumes, one with the configuration file and another with the credentials. Note that the deployment is annotated with the Prometheus tags for scraping and scraping port.
  • ConfigMap of the configuration of the exporter.
  • Secret with the credentials of the IAM account.

For a quick test, we can take a look at the CloudWatch exporter by forwarding the port 5000 of the pod yace-fargate and browse the page at:

http://<our machine>:5000/metrics

If everything goes OK, you should see a web page with a metric of this kind (output truncated due to size):

# HELP aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_reserved_average Help is not implemented yet.
# TYPE aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_reserved_average gauge
aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_reserved_average{dimension_ClusterName="damir-test-cloudwatch",dimension_ServiceName="nginx",name="arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:cluster/ECS-Nirav",region="us-east-1"} 256
aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_reserved_average{dimension_ClusterName="damir-test-cloudwatch",dimension_ServiceName="nginx",name="arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:cluster/damir-test-cloudwatch",region="us-east-1"} 256
aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_reserved_average{dimension_ClusterName="damir-test-cloudwatch",dimension_ServiceName="nginx",name="arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:cluster/garrick-tam-ECS-case4154-repro",region="us-east-1"} 256
# HELP aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_utilized_average Help is not implemented yet.
# TYPE aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_utilized_average gauge
aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_utilized_average{dimension_ClusterName="damir-test-cloudwatch",dimension_ServiceName="nginx",name="arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:cluster/ECS-Nirav",region="us-east-1"} 0.03375506236035767
aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_utilized_average{dimension_ClusterName="damir-test-cloudwatch",dimension_ServiceName="nginx",name="arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:cluster/damir-test-cloudwatch",region="us-east-1"} 0.03375506236035767
aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_utilized_average{dimension_ClusterName="damir-test-cloudwatch",dimension_ServiceName="nginx",name="arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXX:cluster/garrick-tam-ECS-case4154-repro",region="us-east-1"} 0.03375506236035767

Monitoring AWS Fargate tasks: What to look for?

Number of tasks in different states: These metrics are especially useful to address the health of your services and the utilization of the resources in your cluster. CloudWatch offers metrics to monitor the number of Fargate tasks in running state, pending state and desired tasks. Monitoring the number of tasks in different states gives a quick view of the usage of the service:


CPU and Memory usage: Other important metrics to monitor are the usage of CPU and memory. In Fargate, it’s important to reserve both CPU and memory for the task defined. This will help lower the usage and billing of the service, as this is calculated by the resources that the tasks use.

It’s important to set the correct amount of both CPU and memory. Setting a higher reservation of resources than needed will cause an under-utilization of resources that you will be paying for. On the other hand, reserving too little will cause performance problems in the containers.

To address this, CloudWatch offers the following metrics for CPU, memory use and capacity:


The Cluster Overview dashboard provides panels to detect tasks with high utilization of CPU and memory. Also, in the Service Detail Dashboard, you can explore the usage of resources by a single service to properly adjust the reservation of memory and CPU, as well as optimize the utilization of resources in your cluster.

Monitoring disk usage and network performance: Finally, these dashboards also give you information on the disk utilization of the tasks. Additional metrics for network usage are available for tasks using bridge network mode. Disk and network utilization metrics can be used for troubleshooting and evaluation of the performance.

Possible issues and alerts to detect them

Tasks in crash loop back off: You can set an alarm to detect recurrent pending tasks in the cluster for a period of time, and to detect tasks that are experiencing recurring problems in their initialization. The following promQL sentence will alert when there are pending tasks of a certain service:

aws_ecs_containerinsights_pending_task_count_average > 0

Unprogrammed failures or spikes in the number of tasks: You can also set custom alarms to alert when the number of running tasks of certain services are under or over certain values, as well as to detect failures on services or unprogrammed spikes in the number of tasks. This promQL detects when a specific service in a cluster has less than five tasks in running state.

aws_ecs_containerinsights_running_task_count_average{dimension_ClusterName='clusterName', dimension_ServiceName='serviceName'} < 5

Out Of Memory (OOM) Kills and CPU throttling: Reserving less CPU than needed will cause CPU throttling in the task with problems in performance, while reserving less memory than needed would cause OOM kill problems. This promQL detects when a service is using over 75 percent of the reserved memory.

avg by (dimension_ServiceName)(aws_ecs_containerinsights_memory_utilized_average / aws_ecs_containerinsights_memory_reserved_average) > 0.75 

And this second promQL detects services with 75 percent of their CPU capacity utilized:

avg by (dimension_ServiceName)(aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_utilized_average / aws_ecs_containerinsights_cpu_reserved_average) > 0.75

Caveats and further improvements

This was a simplistic presentation of how to monitor AWS Fargate using a Prometheus exporter to obtain custom metrics with little effort.

Some caveats and limitations still remain:

  1. In clusters with a high number of tasks, there may be also a high number of metrics provided by CloudWatch. This can translate into unexpected bills of CloudWatch usage. To avoid this, the CloudWatch exporter that we presented can be configured to filter the resources that will ask for metrics by tags. For example, maybe you can be interested in metrics for the production environment, but not from the development environment.
  2. In this example, we configured the exporter to ask for metrics with a granularity of 300 seconds. This is because the exporter has a functionality that allows it to proxy the calls to CloudWatch every 300 seconds by default. However, this can be changed and adjusted for different values. Filtering your services by tags, you can set a 60 seconds granularity and proxy refreshing of the data for critical tasks where five minutes is not enough, and one hour granularity for other, less critical services. This way, you can optimize the billing of your CloudWatch account.
  3. In this example, we included the most relevant metrics available for Fargate. However, you can customize the configuration to drop some metrics if you don’t need them, or to include others.

Getting the CloudWatch metrics into Sysdig Monitor

Sysdig agent setup

In this section, we will show you how to get these metrics into Sysdig Monitor. It’s fairly easy and requires a minimum configuration of the Sysdig Agent, once installed, so it captures Prometheus metrics.

Here is some sample code that you have to insert in the file /opt/draios/etc/dragent.yaml that will perform the scraping of the container with the exporter:

10s_flush_enable: true
use_promscrape: true
 enabled: true
 histograms: true
 ingest_raw: true
 ingest_calculated: false
 interval: 10
 log_errors: true
 max_metrics: 3000
 max_metrics_per_process: 20000
snaplen: 512
tags: role:cluster

The main items include:

  1. Turning on prometheus metrics gathering.
  2. Specifying the process filter for prometheus scraper. Note that the Prometheus annotations for scrape, path and port are also defined in the command that launched the exporter.

Once the configuration is saved, the agent will pick it up automatically.

In a few minutes, the metrics will start trickling in and will be visible in the Sysdig Monitor interface.

Monitoring AWS Fargate with dashboard and alerts

Once we have Fargate metrics in Sysdig Monitor, we can use dashboards to visualize them. To do so, Sysdig offers a general overview and a detailed dashboard. The Cluster Overview Dashboard gives a general overview of the overall behavior of the tasks in our clusters and lets you easily identify potential problems.

The "AWS Fargate Cluster" overview dashboard in Sysdig Monitor. It shows metrics like pending running and desired tasks, CPU utilization, Memory utilization, or storage reads and writes.
Sysdig Monitor – AWS Fargate Cluster Overview Dashboard

In the Service Detail Dashboard, you can use the variables to select both the cluster and the service that you want to inspect in detail.

The "AWS Fargate Service Detail" dashboard in Sysdig Monitor shows metrics like CPU reserved vs. utilized, Memory reserved vs. utilized, Storage throughput, or Running vs pending tasks
Sysdig Monitor – AWS Fargate Service Detail Dashboard


Hopefully, we’ve demonstrated that it’s really easy to monitor AWS Fargate by integrating CloudWatch metrics into Sysdig Monitor. This is possible by having a standardized interface to natively ingest Prometheus metrics and leverage existing exporters, like the CloudWatch exporter that we presented in this article.

If you would like to try this integration, we invite you to sign-up for a free trial.

You can also find instructions on how to install the exporter and ready-to-use configurations to monitor AWS Fargate in There, you will also find the dashboards that we presented in both Grafana and Sysdig format, as well as examples of alerts for your services.

You can learn more about our Prometheus integration in our documentation or our blog.

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