We find container events, and Docker conferences in particular, extremely useful for multiple reasons:
- It’s one of the best ways to catch up what’s going on in the container ecosystem.
- We can learn how other folks are using containers in production or using other monitoring tools. We love to hear what they are up to!
- It’s our chance to speak and share our lessons learned and container monitoring experiences.
- We can also expand our network of friends, usually leading to future collaboration.
But nowadays there is a plethora of conferences and events. Sometimes it’s difficult to participate in all of them and our calendar gets busy quickly. There are already a few good lists of DevOps and IT conferences, but we wanted to build one that is only focused on containers. [sysdig_blog_subscription_form]
So this is our list of favorite Docker events and container conferences:
Container conferences in Europe
- DockerCon Europe
- KubeCon / CloudNativeCon Europe
- ContainerSched 2017
- Open Source Summit Europe
- Container Days
- Container Camp UK
- MesosCon Europe
- ContainerConf
- MicroXchg
Container conferences in North America
- DockerCon US
- CloudNativeCon and KubeCon North America
- MesosCon North America
- Linux Plumbers Conference
- Open Container Days
- Sysdig Camp-Con-World-Fest-Summit
- CoreOS Fest / Tectonic Summit
DockerCon Europe
** When: ** October 16 – 19, 2017
** Where: ** Copenhagen, Denmark
** Why: ** Second edition of the European DockerCon. Two years ago 1500 people met in Barcelona, and this time the event will probably go beyond that number. If you want to meet the Docker community: developers, Docker Captains and users, they all have their voice here. Also if you want to see what the commercial offerings of the Docker ecosystem industry and Docker Inc are (Docker Swarm and Docker Enterprise Edition -previously Docker Datacenter-), this is a great event to attend.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): https://europe-2017.dockercon.com/
KubeCon / CloudNativeCon Europe
** When: ** March 28 – 30, 2017; (next: May 2 – 4, 2018)
** Where: ** Berlin, Germany (next: Copenhagen, Denmark)
** Why: ** This is the Kubernetes community conference and it is organized by the Linux Foundation. As with DockerCon EU, there are around 1500 developers and users in attendance. Here you can find a good number of vendors that offer open-source and commercial solutions around Kubernetes and also projects like Prometheus, OpenTracing, Fluentd, Linkerd or gRPC that belong to the CloudNative Foundation.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/cloudnativecon-and-kubecon-europe
ContainerSched 2017
** When: ** September 27 – 28, 2017
** Where: ** London, UK
** Why: ** A good balance between technical talks and innovative use cases and ideas on containers, schedulers and DevOps, ChatOps, and SecOps.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc):
Open Source Summit Europe
** When: ** October 23 – 26, 2017
** Where: ** Prague, Czech Republic
** Why: ** LinuxCon, ContainerCon, CloudOpen and the new Open Community Conference combine under one umbrella name in 2017, again organized by The Linux Foundation. This is a more open-source oriented conference, and given developers are a majority in this one, it is also more technical and lower level. If you want to learn about the internals and participate in the development, this is the one for you.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-source-summit-europe
Container Days
** When: ** June 19 – 21, 2017
** Where: ** Hamburg, Germany
** Why: ** Lots of talks not only about Docker and Kubernetes but also on the rest of the microservices stack required to bring them to production.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): https://containerdays.io/
Container Camp UK
** When: ** September 7 – 8, 2017
** Where: ** London, UK
** Why: ** Combines 1 day of talks on Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos, etc both technical and use cases, and 1 day of hands-on workshops. Here you will find people ranging from “getting started” to subject matter experts.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): https://2017.container.camp/uk/
MesosCon Europe
** When: ** October 25 – 27, 2017
** Where: ** Prague, Czech Republic
** Why: ** The European event for the Mesos community. Also organized by The Linux Foundation and taking place alongside the Open Source Summit Europe. Too many reasons to not to miss this event!!
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/mesoscon-europe
** When: ** November 14 – 17, 2017
** Where: ** Mannheim, Germany
** Why: ** Although this is an event that mainly targets German developer community, there is a lot of people using containers in the country! With talks covering the usual suspects: Docker, Kubernetes, etc, takes place in parallel with the Continuous Lifecycle conference.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): https://www.containerconf.de/
** When: ** February 16 – 17, 2017
** Where: ** Berlin, Germany
** Why: ** While not really container specific, this event was all about microservices, typically running on top of containers. We loved speaking there! :)
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): http://microxchg.io/
DockerCon US
** When: ** April 17 – 20, 2017
** Where: ** Austin, Texas
** Why: ** This is the Docker conference. With over 5,500 people attending, you will meet the entire Docker community there: developers, Docker Captains, users, Docker ecosystem partners and Docker Inc itself with all their technologies: Docker Swarm and Docker Enterprise Edition -previously Docker Datacenter-. This is a great event to attend.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): https://2017.dockercon.com/
CloudNativeCon and KubeCon North America
** When: ** December 6 – 8, 2017
** Where: ** Austin, Texas
** Why: ** And this is the Kubernetes community conference. It is organized by the Linux Foundation like the European one. Here you can find a good number of vendors that offer open-source and commercial solutions around Kubernetes and also projects like Prometheus, OpenTracing, Fluentd, Linkerd or gRPC that belong to the CloudNative Foundation.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/cloudnativecon-and-kubecon-north-america
MesosCon North America
** When: ** September 13 – 15, 2017
** Where: ** Los Angeles, California
** Why: ** The North America event for the Mesos community. It’s also organized by The Linux Foundation and taking place at the same time as the Linux Plumbers Conference, although it’s for two different audiences.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/mesoscon-north-america
Linux Plumbers Conference
** When: ** September 13 – 15, 2017
** Where: ** Los Angeles, California
** Why: ** This is a Linux developers’ conference. They run a track on containers (Containers Microconference) where they will focus on unsolved issues and other problem areas in the kernel Container interfaces with the goal of allowing all container runtimes and orchestration systems to provide enhanced services. Expect developers discussing roadmap and future feature implementations, not a users event.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): https://www.linuxplumbersconf.org/2017/
Open Container Days
** When: ** multiple dates
** Where: ** Portland, New York, Austin, Boston
** Why: ** These are a series of (un)conferences where attendees discuss and share their experiences with containers. The schedule is mostly an open session format, although the organizers also programm a few talk session.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): http://dynamicinfradays.org/
Sysdig Camp-Con-World-Fest-Summit (our own community event)
** When: ** September 26 – 27, 2017
** Where: ** San Francisco, California
** Why: ** We couldn’t omit from this list our own Sysdig event: Sysdig Camp-Con-World-Fest-Summit. Our theme for the event is: Containers in Operation. To us, that means bringing together some of the best information possible on managing containers, with a focus on monitoring, troubleshooting, and securing in the wild. Our open-source community, developers, Sysdig customers and partners together sharing their experiences. Register now!
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): http://www.sysdigccwfs.com/
CoreOS Fest / Tectonic Summit
** When: ** May 31 – June 1, 2017
** Where: ** San Francisco, California
** Why: ** The CoreOS community conference gathers over 800 members to discuss CoreOS open source projects like Rkt containers, Kubernetes, etc together with CoreOS commercial products and ecosystem partners. Tectonic, on the other hand, is usually held in New York City, and focuses on large enterprise use of Kubernetes. Both are worth attending.
More info (program, schedule, registration, etc): https://coreos.com/fest/
In addition to all these, there are a bunch of interesting events in Asia and in LATAM. Docker keeps a list of all their community events here and meetups not only concerning Docker but also Kubernetes, Mesos, etc take place all over the world, with tech hub cities having the biggest groups like San Francisco, New York, Austin, London, Berlin or Madrid.
If all these are not enough for you, awesome discussions about containers can also be found in other DevOps events like AWS re:Invent, Red Hat Summit, Velocity, Google Next, Monitorama, ConfigManagementCamp, FOSDEM, DevOpsDays, QCon, TopConf, CodeMotion, etc. you can also find us there!