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Sysdig Site Search

Showing 11-20 of 254

Exploiting IAM security misconfigurations


These three IAM security misconfigurations scenarios are rather common. Discover how they can be exploited, but also, how easy it...

Why Companies Still Struggle with Least Privilege in the Cloud


Vulnerabilities are only one part of the cloud security story. Misconfigurations are still the biggest player in security incidents and,...

How to detect the containers’ escape capabilities with Falco


Attackers use container escape techniques when they manage to control a container so the impact they can cause is much...

Lambda Threat – Best Practices for Lambda Security


Our security research team will explain a real attack scenario from the black box and white box perspective on how...

Cloud Security Posture and Permission Management


With a tool like Falco, it’s possible to detect when specific container capabilities like CAP_SYS_ADMIN are misused.

What is the MITRE ATT&CK Framework for Cloud? | 10 TTPs You should know of


MITRE ATT&CK framework for cloud will help you identify the possible threats related to a cloud environment and begin securing...

OWASP Kubernetes Top 10


One of the biggest concerns when using Kubernetes is whether we are complying with the security posture and taking into...

Kubernetes security context, security policy, and network policy – Kubernetes security guide (part 2).


Once you have defined Kubernetes RBAC: users and services credentials and permissions, we can start leveraging Kubernetes orchestration capabilities to...

26 AWS Security Best Practices to Adopt in Production


One of the most important pillars of a well-architected framework is security. Thus, it is important to follow these AWS...

ECS Fargate threat modeling


AWS Fargate is a technology that you can use with Amazon ECS to run containers without having to manage servers...

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