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Detecting MITRE ATT&CK: Privilege escalation with Falco


The privilege escalation category inside MITRE ATT&CK covers quite a few techniques an adversary can use to escalate privileges inside...

CVE-2018-18264 Privilege escalation through Kubernetes dashboard


A recently disclosed vulnerability in Kubernetes dashboard (CVE-2018-18264) exposes secrets to unauthenticated users. In this blog post we’ll explore some...

Detecting and mitigating CVE-2021-4034: “Pwnkit” local privilege escalation


A new advisory from Qualys discloses a local privilege escalation bug in SUID-set program ‘pkexec’. The flaw has been designated...

How to mitigate CVE-2021-33909 Sequoia with Falco – Linux filesystem privilege escalation vulnerability


The CVE-2021-33909, named Sequoia, is a new privilege escalation vulnerability that affects Linux’s file system. It was disclosed in July,...

CVE-2022-0492: Privilege escalation vulnerability causing container escape


Linux maintainers disclosed a privilege escalation vulnerability in the Linux Kernel. The vulnerability has been issued a Common Vulnerability and...

Detecting and Mitigating CVE-2023-4911: Local Privilege Escalation Vulnerability


Recently, Qualys discovered and reported a critical vulnerability affecting the popular GLIBC ecosystem, which is installed by default on most...

CVE-2022-0847: “Dirty Pipe” Linux Local Privilege Escalation


Right on the heels of CVE-2022-4092, another local privilege escalation flaw in the Linux Kernel was disclosed on Monday, nicknamed...

CSPM – Least privilege principle in practice


Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) aims to automate the identification and remediation of risks across your entire cloud infrastructure. A...

How to deal with ransomware on Azure


Let’s dig deeper into the techniques used by attackers and the mitigations you should implement when ransomware on Azure affects...

How to detect sudo’s CVE-2021-3156 using Falco


A recent privilege escalation heap overflow vulnerability (CVSS 7.8), CVE-2021-3156, has been found in sudo. sudo is a powerful utility...

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