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Sysdig Site Search

Showing 781-790 of 1253

What’s new in Sysdig – July 2022


It’s time for another publication of What’s New in Sysdig in 2022! I’m in charge of the “What’s new in...

Blackhat 2022 recap – Trends and highlights


Blackhat 2022, on its 25th anniversary, took place this week in Las Vegas. It’s the most important event for the...

Introducing Falco: Open source, behavioral security from Sysdig


*There are a million ways a burglar can break into your home, but once they do they’re going to steal...

Malicious modifications to open source projects affecting thousands – Sysdig Secure


In the early days of 2022, two extremely popular JavaScript open source packages, colors.js, and faker.js, were modified to the...

The Datadog IPO: An Analysis of Datadog’s Future.


First, congratulations to Datadog for building a strong business and its IPO today! Datadog’s rapid growth illustrates a couple of...

Celebrating Falco’s Journey to CNCF Graduation


Celebrating Falco Graduation Today, we are proud to celebrate Falco’s graduation within the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). Graduation marks...

Detecting and Mitigating CVE-2021-25737: EndpointSlice validation enables host network hijack


The CVE-2021-25737 low-level vulnerability has been found in Kubernetes kube-apiserver where an authorized user could redirect pod traffic to private...

Threat news: TeamTNT targeting misconfigured kubelet


TeamTNT is a prevalent threat actor who has been targeting cloud and virtual environments such as Kubernetes and Docker since...

Preventing malicious use of Weave Scope


Intezer and Microsoft reported on Sept. 9 that TeamTNT hackers are deploying Weave Scope in compromised systems as an auxiliary...

Spotting Vulnerabilities at Rest and at Runtime


According to Gartner, 99% of all cloud security failures will fall on the customer. Cloud security risks are complex and constantly evolving. That’s why Sysdig works to help organisations such as Talend, a Qlik Company, to protect their cloud native apps and deployments.

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