New GKE installation for Docker monitoring

By Apurva Dave - SEPTEMBER 19, 2016


Stuff just takes…too…long these days. How long should you wait, for example , to monitor your docker containers on GKE? “Too long” is the answer you get most places.

That’s why we just launched our new, super-sleek, telsa-would-be-impressed-at-how-fast-this-is Google Container Engine integration.

How does it work? Just sign in with Google single-sign on, authorize Sysdig to get your pertinent info, and choose a GKE project and cluster. And, that’s pretty much it!

Container Failing

Seriously. Even if you don’t have a Sysdig Cloud account, we’ll create one for you at this point. From there we’ll instrument the system, get the relevant Kubernetes metadata, and you’re off to the races!

Want to see it in action? Watch this video or monitor your own Docker containers on GKE right now!

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